This new construction project in Houston required a high-quality HVAC system for its critical operations and fans with a high-temperature production for the Empower Pharmacy labs.
HTS Texas along with our partners at Thermal Mechanics Inc. were chosen as the basis of design by Brandt Companies. To meet these goals, the full custom package of equipment included three Daikin Pathfinder 283-ton air-cooled chillers, three Daikin Applied Visions high-pressure indoor air handlers (ranging from 20,000 CFM to 45,000 CFM), four Daikin FCHH fan coil units (ranging from 1,000 CFM to 3,300 CFM), two STULZ CyberOne COS-series CRAC units (35,000 CFM each), and two Energy Lab high-pressure indoor air handlers (20,000 CFM and 25,000 CFM).
Our airside products group provided more than 1,000 pieces of equipment including Krueger air distribution, laminar flow diffusers with HEPA filters and terminal units, as well as exhaust fans, fire and backdraft dampers, unit heaters, and air curtains.
Our HTS Texas teams worked diligently to develop the complete HVAC system best suited for this facility with continued customer support beyond installation.