Element® Q is a complete, engineered hot water wellness solution that provides safe, reliable, hot water, energy and water efficiency, improved water quality, and more, in an ultra-compact, fully designed and assembled system. Element sustainably mitigates waterborne pathogens, such Legionella, reduces risks of scalding, and aids in full building sanitation. Designed and built by a single source, Element conveniently fits through a standard doorway decreasing a typical mechanical room footprint by up to 75%. It simplifies installation, operation and maintenance with a unique, supervisory controller, Edge® SC, and reduces installation time by up to 65%.
Element is a smart, connected solution that provides real-time data reporting across devices, enables local and remote control and automates “clipboard” health monitoring. The Element helps building owners, maintenance staff, and infection control teams confidently control, manage, and maintain high regulatory standards in their buildings’ domestic hot water so they can offer occupants a best-in-class experience that enriches their daily wellness.